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Sunday 03-23-2025. Opening Prayer, Teaching, Service and Closing Prayer.

Sunday 03-16-2025 Opening Prayer, Teaching and service.

Sunday 03-09-2025. Opening Prayers Teaching (Are WE Worthy) Service Closing Prayer.

Sunday 03-02-2025 Opening Prayer, Teaching, Service, Closing prayer.

Sunday 02-23-2025. Opening Prayer, Teaching, Service and Closing Prayer.

Sunday 02-16-2025 Opening Prayer, Teaching, Service and closing Prayer.

Sunday 02-09-2025 Opening Prayer, Teaching, Closing Prayer.

Sunday 02-02-2025 Opening Prayer, Teaching, Closing Prayer.

Sunday 01-26-2025. Opening Prayer, Teaching (have you put God in a box), Closing Prayer.

Sunday 01-19-2025. Opening Prayer, Teaching (Are There Angels among Us Today? What Is Their Purpose and who are they?). Closing prayer.

Sunday 01-12-2025 Opening Prayer, Teaching (ISAIAH 43:1-7), Closing prayer.

Sunday 01-05-2024 Deacon ordination service.

Sunday 12-29-2024. Opening prayer, Teaching ( Gifts of the Holy Spirit), Closing Prayer.

Sunday 12-22-2024 Full Christmas Service.

Sunday 12-15-2024. Opening Prayer, Teaching (Mary) Closing Prayer.

Sunday 12-08-2024 Opening Prayer, Teaching (Joy to the World), Closing Prayer.

Sunday 12-01-2024 1st Sunday in Advent, Rev. Buddy Hogan.

Sunday 11-24-2024 Opening Prayer, Teaching John 18:33-37, Closing Prayer.

Sunday 11-17-2024 Opening prayer, Teaching Samuel 1:4-20, Closing prayer.

Sunday 11-10-2024. Being Heavenly Minded.

Sunday 11-03-2024 Opening Prayer Teaching (the Holy Spirit 101)

Sunday 10-27-2024. Opening Prayers and Teaching.

Sunday 09-22-2024. Opening Prayer , Teaching and music.

Sunday 09-15-2024.Opening Prayer, Teaching. Closing prayer and Devotionals.

Sunday 09-08-2024, Opening prayer, Teaching and closing prayer and devotionals.

Sunday 09-01-2024 Opening Prayer, Teaching, Closing Prayers and Devotions.

Sunday 08-25-2024, Opening Prayer, Teaching, Closing Prayer and Devotional.

Sunday 08-18-2024, Opening Prayer, Teaching, Closing Prayer and devotions.

Sunday 08-11-2024 Opening Prayer, Teaching, Closing Prayer an Devotional.

Sunday 08-04-2024, Opening prayers, Teaching and closing Prayers and devotions.

Sunday 07-28-2024. Opening Prayer, Teaching Closing Prayer and devotions.

Sunday 07-21-2024 Opening Prayers, Teaching, Closing Devotional and Prayers.

Sunday 07-14-2024 Paul's letter to the Romans chapter 6

Sunday 07-07-2024 JESUS FULLY MAN----FULLY GOD

Sunday 06-30-2024 Jesus man or God.

Sunday 06-23-2024 Paul's Letter to the Romans (Part 9)

Sunday 06-16-2024 Paul's letter to the Romans (Part 8).

Sunday 06-02-2024 Prayer. Paul's letter to the Romans (Part 7} and Sharing a Vision.

Sunday 05-26-2024 (Memorial Sunday) Paul's letter to the Romans (Part 6)

Sunday 05-19-2024 (Pentecost) Paul's letter to the Romans (Part 5)

Sunday 05-12-2024. Paul's letter to the Romans (Part 4)

Sunday 05-05-2024. Paul's letter to the Romans (part 3)

Sunday 04-28-2024. Paul's letter to the Romans Part 2

Sunday 04-14-2024Joshua 1:9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

Sunday 04-07-2024. Pastor Buddy Hogan " What if Jesus didn't rise from the tomb. Corinthians 1:12-21.

Sunday 03-31-2024. Easter Sunday Service.

Sunday 03-24-2024 Palm Sunday. "WHY"

Sunday 03-17-2024. St. Patrick's Day, Family service Eagles Wings Church and I live Ministries.
Psalm 30:1-5. I will Praise You Lord, Because You Rescued Me.

Sunday 03-10-2024. Repentance part 3.

Sunday March 3rd, REPENTANCE part 2.

Sunday February 25th. 2nd Sunday in Lent. REPENTANCE

Sunday February 18th. Last Claim. The Bible is Relevant. A Source of Instruction.

Sunday February 11th. Hebrews 4:12. The Bible is Alive and Judges the Heart.

Sunday February 4th. Guest Pastor Buddy Hogan. FAITH.

Sunday January 28th Bishop Don Horton. Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

Sunday January 1st 2024. Bold statements in the bible and there ramifications.

Sunday January 14th 2024. The Baptism of Jesus / Bold statements from the Bible.

Sunday December 31st Pastor Buddy Hogan. Full New Years Eve Service.

Sunday January 7th Epiphany.

Sunday December 24th Advent 4, Christmas Eve

Sunday December 17th 2023 Advent 3.

Sunday, December 10th, 2023-Guest Pastor Buddy Hogan - All I Well With Our Soul Advent 2

Sunday December 3rd Service Advent 1.

Sunday November26th 2023 Combines Service with I live Ministries.
Sunday November 19th 2023  Service. The Trinity Part 1

Sunday November 12th 2023 Service. The Trinity

Sunday November 5th 2023 Service Bishop Don Hortons mission trip to California and the involvement of the Holy Spirit.

Sunday, October 29, 2023 Service The Gospel According to Paul In His Words - A Testimony of Worship and Love, Paul's Farewell

Sunday 10-22-2023 Service. The Gospel of Paul, (in his words) 11 Leadership

Sunday 10-15-2023, Report on OSL conference held in Charleston SC on the weekend of 10-07-2923.

Sunday 10-08-2023 Full Service Johns Gospel, Jesus is God Guest Pastor Buddy Hogan.

Sunday 10-01-2023 Full service The Gospel according to Paul 10 (in his words)

Sunday 09-24-2023 The Gospel According to Paul 9 (in his words) Testimony 9 Church

Sunday, September 17, 2023-Guest Pastor Buddy Hogan - Psalm 69:30, I will praise the name of God with a song, and will magnify him with thanksgiving.

Sunday 09-10-2023 The Gospel According to Paul 8 (in his words) + Prayers.

Sunday 09-03-2023 The Gospel According to Paul 7 (in his words)

Sunday 08-27-2023 The Gospel According to Paul 6 (in his words)

Sunday 08-20-2023 The Gospel According to Paul 5 (in his words)

Sunday, August 13, 2023 - Guest Pastor Buddy Hogan - John 17:1-3, The High Priestly Prayer Hunger for God

Sunday 08-06-2023 The Gospel According to Paul 4 (in his words )

Sunday 07-23-2023 The Gospel According to Paul 3 (in his words)

Gospel According to Paul 2 (in his Words)

Introduction to The Gospel According to Paul (In His Words)

Sunday 07-02-2023 Acts of the Apostles 27-28 Paul's return to Rome

Sunday 06-25-2023 Acts of the Apostles 21-26 Conversion

Sunday 06-18-2023 Acts of the Apostles 21-26 What the Jews Wanted / What Paul Wanted and the difference

Sunday 06-11-2023 Acts of the apostles 21 -27

Trinity Sunday, Acts of the Apostles 20

Sunday May 28th Pentecost Sunday Acts of the Apostles 19: 21-41

Sunday May 21st Acts of the Apostles 19: 8-20

Sunday May 14th Mothers Day Acts of the Apostles chapter 19: 1-7

Sunday May 7, 2023 Acts of the Apostles chapter 19

Sunday, April 30, 2023 - The Study of the Book of Acts of the Apostles - Chapter 18:22-19, Paul's Third Missionary Journey Hebrews: Chapter 1

Sunday, April 23, 2023 - Guest Teacher, Lee Moseley,

Sunday, April 16, 2023 - Psalm 103, "Bless the Lord O my soul" - A psalm of Gratitude,

Easter Sunday 2023

Bishop Don Horton Palm Sunday 2023- 1

Sunday 26th March Acts 18 and 19

Joyful Expectancy