
Everyone has faith, Faith is what you believe in. We believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Because we do we are lifted up by the Holy Spirit and we soar like on eagles wings.


Not everyone has hope. We have hope because of Jesus Christ. He lives in us! Therefore, God is with us!! Who could be against us? We live in victory!!!


Love is what every human being needs. God is love. And we know that God loves us through Faith in Christ, Hope in His resurrection and the power of the Holy Spirit who helps us. As a result, we soar in the love God and in the love of our neighbor as ourselves. We can help you do the same so come soar with us.


Our vision is to help people become disciples of Jesus Christ in faith, hope and love.


Our mission is to love as God loves us.


We worship by devoting ourselves " to the Apostles teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers" just as the church in the New Testament did.(c.f. Acts 2:42)


Prayer is Eagles Wings primary work of ministry. We do it every Sunday together. And our prayer team prays every day for every member and need.


Healing in the name of Jesus Christ continues to this very day. Many who soar on eagles wings have been given the gift of healing by the Holy Spirit. As a result we do not believe in miracles; we expect miracles because that is what God does in our midst.


Less than one in two Americans are a member of a religious organization America is in need of revival. Revival is one of our two ministries outside the church body. We have been members, contributors and participants in every Upstate South Carolina Mid-City Gospel Revival since our founding, We ask everyone to pray for revival